The UK's dirtiest Electric Depot!
Wells Green TMD is a diesel and electric depot set in Crewe, Cheshire between 2002-2006, featuring a range of highly detailed 25kV AC electric locomotives in an authentic grimy, gritty atmosphere. The depot mainly undertakes routine maintenance to electric locomotives, but also contains a diesel fuelling point enabling many different varieties of locomotive to appear.
The layout is based on Crewe IEMD – EWS’s flagship electric depot at the time – responsible for maintaining the company’s entire AC electric fleet. Naturally on this layout, a wide variety of the freight haulier’s locomotives can be seen arriving for attention, along with a few surprise visitors too!
Great emphasis has been placed on creating a ‘run down' feel to the depot, including hand painted graffiti and heavy weathering to help create that look. Most of the buildings on the layout have been scratchbuilt using card and styrene sheet, so as to make everything unique.
Theatrics are very important in setting the scene – therefore Wells Green TMD makes full use of lights and DCC sound fitted in the locomotives, whilst the buildings are also fully lit; from inside the maintenance sheds, to the Train Crew Mess Rooms and even the depot’s fully detailed EWS boardroom interior, which also features items of Railwayana on the back wall!
Way back in 2005, Wells Green TMD won the Diesel and Electric Modellers United Small Layout Competition, incorporating a detailed slice of urban decay into a small space and has since featured in magazines including Rail Express, Model Rail, Modern Railway Modelling & British Railway Modelling .

Wells Green TMD, based on Crewe Electric Depot, services the entire EWS AC Electric locomotive fleet, meaning Classes 90 and 92 are common visitors. Here we can see 92028 Saint Saens and 92035 Mendelssohn awaiting their next turn of duty.

night-time view of Wells Green TMD.

Network Rail's 86901 and 86902 call in at Wells Green TMD before moving back to Rugby.

Cheshire Police busy unravelling the mystery of the dead body found in the scrubland!

EWS' 66008 and 66042 'Lafarge Buddon Wood', stabled together in the morning sunlight.

train crew mess room is even home to a pool table with a couple
of drivers playing inside! The graffiti is all hand painted using
photographs for inspiration.

Look closely and you will find the depot still portrays its origins - this Railfreight Distribution sign fades away at the location of the former depot entrance, seemingly forgotten by new owners EWS.

60017 awaits works attention on a cloudy Saturday afternoon at Wells Green TMD.

Updated: 7th October 2013 |